OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  DMI-S API Briefing

    Posted 06-19-2003 20:20
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    Subject: DMI-S API Briefing

    Mark Zimmerman, Program Manager, Disaster Management, e-Gov Intiative, has put together another DMI-S briefing for those who could not make the first meeting last month.  This meeting was put together specifically or the EM TC members. (see Mark's email below)

    July 15th, 10:00 EDT in the Battelle Facility in Stafford, VA.  Please RSVP directly to Mark or to myself if you are able to attend.

    Cathy M. Subatch
    E Team Inc.
    818.932.0660 x248
    310.770.6885 (mobile)

    ----- Forwarded by Cathy Subatch/Consultant/Eteam on 06/18/2003 10:18 AM -----

    All, A couple of folks have asked to move the meeting a week later, so we'll change the time to 1000, 15 July. Most importantly, Allen Wyke, TC (Technical Committee)chair, can make this meeting. EC (Executive Committee) members are welcome, but the intent is to allow the TC to look at the technical approach for the DMIS backbone. Thanks, Mark

    Mark G. Zimmerman
    Program Manager, Disaster Management E-Gov Initiative

    Office of the CIO, EP&R, DHS

    202-646-2783 (office)

    202-441-6392 (mobile)

    202-646-2674 (fax)