OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] Re: Circle and Polygon

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Re: Circle and Polygon

    Posted 06-15-2005 18:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] Re: Circle and Polygon

    We agreed early on in CAP to stick to one global coordinate reference
    system to remove all chance of mis-communication. I think this was/is
    the right thing to do. NATO and most military coalitions that need to
    interoperate have settled on this method. There have been many deadly
    mistakes caused by a misunderstanding of CRSs.
    If there is a requirement to use different reference systems I suggest
    they be -in addition to - Or - it be very apparent that a non-standard
    CRS is being used. Users should not be able to get to the coordinates
    without knowing what CRS is being used.
    David M. Danko
    GIS Standards
    Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
    8620 Westwood Center Drive
    Vienna, VA 22182-2214
    E-mail: ddanko@esri.com
    Tel: 703-506-9515 x 8011
    Mobile: 703-989-1863
    Fax: 703-506 9514