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Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL-DE routing and valueListUrn
Renato has it exactly right. If the identifier resolves to a specific
URL only, systems will have difficulty if the URL is down for any
reason. But the party responsible for a URN can make the resource
available in multiple ways, even sneaker net, if necessary (as is often
done when crossing from unclassified to classified systems). Ideally,
you might want to associate a URN with a source URL, but only as an
authoritative reference, because most of the time using the URL is just
a lot of extra work retrieving a foreign source that could be kept
For the EDXL-DE, in particular, the value is in the URN as a unique
identifier that tells me whether I know how to process the content or
not. If I don't know the URN, I cannot do specialized processing. If I
do, I can. It is as simple as that.
Gary A. Ham
Senior Research Scientist
Battelle Memorial Institute
540-288-5611 (office)
703-869-6241 (cell)
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