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Subject: EDXL-DE v1.0 Submitted for OASIS Standard
OASIS Members:
The OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee has submitted the following specification, which is an approved Committee
Specification, to be considered as an OASIS Standard:
Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Distribution Element, v. 1.0
The TC's submission is attached below.
In accordance with the OASIS Technical Committee Process, the specification has already gone through a 60 day public review period:
as well as an additional 15 day public review period:
OASIS members now have until the 15th of [month] to familiarize themselves with the submission below. OASIS members should give
their input on this question to the voting representative of their organization.
By the 16th of the month we will send out a Call For Vote to the voting representatives of the OASIS member organizations, who will
have until the end of the month to cast their ballots on whether this Committee Specification should be approved as an OASIS
The normative TC Process for approval of Committee Specifications as OASIS Standards is found at
Any statements related to the IPR of this specification are posted at:
Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
phone: 603.232.9090
1. Link to approved committee specification (DOC) (HTML) (PDF)
2. Editable version of the file
3. Certification that all schema are valid
The Committee certifies that all schema are valid to the best of of its knowledge, and have been tested to establish validity.
4. English-language summary
The Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) is an integrated framework for emergency data exchange standards supporting operations,
logistics, planning and finance in a wide range of emergencies. The EDXL Distribution Element provides a header or "wrapper" for
routing properly formatted messages to recipients based on such criteria as organization, geographic area, or incident type.
5. Statement of relationships to other standards
This specification is related to:
CAP 1.1 -
The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) provides an open, non-proprietary digital message format for all types of alerts and
notifications. CAP messages are recommended as one of the standardized forms for XML based message content, to be distributed by
this Distribution Element.
6. Certification by members
These OASIS member companies have certified that they are using EDXL-DE, and the emails attesting to it:
Disaster Management Interoperability Services
Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.
Warning Systems Inc.
7. Public review
The first public review was conducted from August 29, 2005 to October 28, 2005. The announcement can be found here:
The second review was conducted from February 17 to March 4, 2006. The announcement can be found here:
Issues raised and their resolutions can be found here:
8. Results of voting
The ballot was opened to committee members on March 7, and closed on March 14, 2005, and was approved by 100% of the voting
membership. Results of the vote can be found here:
9. Earlier attempts to standardize
There have been no previous attempts to standardize EDXL-DE.
10. Publicly visible comments archive
11. Minority Reports
There are no minority reports for this specification.
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