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Subject: Fwd: RE: [soa-rm] Fwd: XML 2006 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION NOW OPEN
Anyone want to join forces on a proposal? I can't
give this much thought until after next week's
SOA for E-Gov Conference, and I was sorta hoping
I could allow myself a bit of a letdown for a
week or so. Guess not. Proposals due Monday, June
19, 2006.
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>Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 08:08:47 -0400
>Thread-Topic: [soa-rm] Fwd: XML 2006 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION NOW OPEN
>Thread-Index: AcZ6Fwtk9ruIf/+mRHqrrAu5uAy06AANm3CgADvIfQA=
>From: "Chiusano Joseph" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: [soa-rm] Fwd: XML 2006 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION NOW OPEN
>X-Rcpt-To: <>
>X-DPOP: Version number supressed
>I have been a peer reviewer for the XML 200x
>conferences for the past several years (meaning
>I am given a set of submissions which I evaluate
>and score), and - speaking from my experience
>only - for the past 2 years or so I have seen a
>marked increase in SOA-related submissions for
>the conference.
>I would therefore greatly encourage a submission
>from our TC, for both a presentation session and
>a tutorial. I would also be conflicted out of
>reviewing such a submission, given that I am a
>TC member.
>Hope that helps,
>Joseph Chiusano
>Booz Allen Hamilton
>700 13th St. NW, Suite 1100
>Washington, DC 20005
>O: 202-508-6514
>C: 202-251-0731
>Visit us online@ <>
>From: Duane Nickull []
>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:43 AM
>To: Michael Stiefel; Ken Laskey;
>Subject: RE: [soa-rm] Fwd: XML 2006 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION NOW OPEN
>I would say yes. XML is a syntax that is used
>within many SOA's. I had a talk at XML 2004 on
>eb SOA which was well received. Ken can do much
>better given the state of RM4SOA.
>Adobe Systems, Inc. - <>
>Adobe Developer Program -
>Chair - OASIS SOA Reference Model Technical Committee
>Personal Blog -
>From: Michael Stiefel []
>Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:03 PM
>To: Ken Laskey;
>Subject: Re: [soa-rm] Fwd: XML 2006 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION NOW OPEN
>It is not clear to me if this really fits into
>one of the tracks at the conference. The RM does
>not seem to answer any of the sample questions
>associated with each track.
>At 02:41 PM 5/17/2006, Ken Laskey wrote:
>Already having a 1/2 day presentation on hand, I
>was thinking of proposing an RM tutorial for XML
>Any thoughts?
>X-MITRE-External: True
>Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 06:44:36 -0400
>X-MS-Has-Attach: yes
>thread-index: AcZ5nuJP7oSZW6ouRHuLjLSOiLudZw==
>From: "Marion Elledge" <>
>To: undisclosed-recipients:;
>X-PMX-Version:, Antispam-Engine:
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>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 May 2006 10:52:03.0465
>(UTC) FILETIME=[EE7E3F90:01C6799F]
>XML 2006
>December 5-7, 2006, Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, US
> Call for Participation
>Send your submissions to
>Doing something interesting with XML?
>Have a great idea or keen insight you'd like to share?
>Let the whole XML world in on it by proposing a
>for XML 2006, the world's largest and oldest XML
>conference. If we select your proposal for the
>conference program, you will receive free
>conference registration. Even if your proposal
>does not end up on the program, you will still
>receive a $100 discount off the non-member full
>conference registration rate, just for
>(If you're not ready yet, don't despair! We
>reserve some slots for late-breaking sessions,
>with proposals due on Monday 30 October 2006.)
>Propose a Session
>There are three ways to propose a session for XML 2006:
>1. Offer to make a 45-minute presentation on
>any XML-related topic. We are especially
>interested in papers related to
>XML computing,
>on the Web, and
>and publishing.
>2. Suggest a special session for our new
>XML track, such as a technology workshop, a
>panel discussion, a mini-tutorial, or an
>interactive technology demonstration (45 or 90
>3. Volunteer your latest project (finished
>or still underway) for our special Masters
>Series, a home improvement show for XML
>projects, where a panel of experts will listen
>to what you're doing and offer comments and
>suggestions, all in front of a live audience (90
>Propose a Tutorial
>XML 2006 is seeking highly qualified instructors
>to lead pre-conference tutorials on Monday,
>December 4.
>You may propose either a half-day or a full-day
>tutorial � please be sure to indicate any
>special requirements and length of tutorial in
>your submission.
>The purpose of the tutorials is to provide a
>task-oriented, small-group educational
>experience directed toward the understanding and
>acquisition of specific XML and related
>technologies skills and methodologies.
>Attendance will range from 15 to 20 people in
>each room.
>Problems submitting? Send us an email message at
>Gold Sponsors
><> <>
>General Information
>for participation
><>Conference hotel
><>The XML Scholarship
><>Past conferences
><>Enterprise XML Computing
><>XML on the Web
><>Documents and Publishing
><>Hands-On XML
>Important Dates
><>Deadlines and Milestones
>Conference Schedule (coming in July)
>May we also recommend ....
><>Extreme Markup 2006 Montreal, 7-11 August
>Produced by
><> <>
>Email: <>
>Marion L. Elledge
>VP, Information Technologies Programs
>IDEAlliance <>
>Celebrating 40 years - 1966 - 2006
>Watch for upcoming events:
>XTech 2006
>Building Web 2.0
>16-19 May - Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky
>Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>Extreme Markup Languages
>7-11 August
>Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>XML 2006
>December 5-7 - Sheraton Boston Hotel
>Boston, MA
>Watch for details coming soon!
> / Ken Laskey
> | MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone: 703-983-7934 |
> | 7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379 |
> \ McLean VA 22102-7508 /
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Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309
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