OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses

    Posted 02-05-2005 18:07
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses

    If you are going to evaluate and contrast approaches you might want to also look at the Department of Navy, XML Naming and Design Rules (DON NDR). It is supposed to be available on the DON CIO's web site. If not, I can provide a copy.
    I find the DON NDR approach to be much more flexible and logical than the gjxdm monster schema approach. I also believe it would be more consistent with the work of this TC. I proposed a similar organizational structure for the gjxdm after the initial pre-release.