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Subject: Re: [emergency] Fwd: [emergency-comment] CAP Normative Schema isimproperly defined
Gary, thanx for clarifying the actual issue you came across.
Bob, Kon, Gary, et al: I have a question. Is this an issue with Axis
(and potentially other Java development/assistance tools), or two
different interpretations of the XML Schema spec (aka it wasn't clear
on how to implement)? I would imagine we would want the normative XML
Schema to be "correct" (well-formed and validated against the XML
Schema schema).
On Mar 30, 2004, at 8:09 AM, Ham, Gary A wrote:
> Kon, can you pass this on to the list since my mail seems to bounce
> all the time.
> The reason for naming all types, including simple types, was two-fold.
> 1. Other tools, particularly the Axis based tools we were using for
> generating SOAP encoding skeletons/stubs from the schema, were choking
> on any unnamed type. I suspect that your quick-fix would work for us
> as well.
> 2. The justice schema, to which we have informally agreed to keep
> "in-mind" as we do our work, has no anonymous types, and goes so far
> as to name instance usage of some item that would appear to be usable
> as simple types.
> In general, strong typing for standards is a good idea, I would not
> object to actually adopting Kon's quick fix, if necessary.
> R/S
> Gary Ham