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Subject: RE: [emergency] RE: Notes form last GIS SC meeting
There are three ways of doing this - from the very beginning we've followed
the KISS principle - simple and unambiguous communication.
1. allow people to use any coordinate reference system and make them
identify the one they used. The problem is not everyone receiving the
message will be using a GIS and may not be able to handle that particular
CRS. If they knew ahead of time what CRS will always be used they will be
prepared for it.
2. (as Carl mentions below -Recommended XML Encoding of
CRS Definitions) have the people use whatever they want and include the
whole description of the CRS - Then there is no miscommunication about the
definition of all the parameters in the CRS, trouble is, half the people
wouldn't know what to do with them.
3. Make everyone use the same coordinate reference system - so there is no
mis-communication - users would know what to expect, that's what we've done
in this version of CAP. That's what the US military does/is trying to do -
after learning the hard way.