OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Meeting Minutes: 2004.06.01

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes: 2004.06.01

    Posted 06-01-2004 16:39
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2004.06.01

    1. CAP Outreach: 
    * Dev forum at OASIS is being created. This will create a space where implementer's can collaborate, and the TC can observe/participate as they see fit.
    * Allen and Rex are working on the Implementer's Guide. Hope to have a stab at a first draft in the coming weeks, now that we are getting material about how the various implementations are taking root.
    * Allen suggests that we may want to put together a CAP deck (presentation). Rex seconds the idea/need. Rex is going to talk to Art about using his deck. Allen will work on the template - Rex will start on the content. Elysa mentioned that they had one Art had put together. Idea is not to limit people to only using this deck, but rather have an official deck that can act as a foundation/format for conveying the work of the TC.
    2. CAP Errata: Allen posted a new version of the CAP 1.0 Issue List that is the result of Public Comments on CAP since it was approved. There is a total of 18 now. As it stands, we have identified 5 that are potential errata candidates. Need to review Issues #13 - #18 to see if there are any others. We will then take that bucket and start to address them as errata, if they are in fact errata. Elysa will take on the ownership of seeing this through. Allen will send email to her to help get started.
    3. F2F: Elysa mentions that PPW Summit is planned for June 28th w/ Board meeting on the 29th. Possibily the afternoon of the 29th (1pm - 5pm) at Battelle's office is where it could happen. Gary will check to see if he can host. Kwasi could make it. Rex unable to make it. Tom could, but it is a bad time for him with the 4th coming up - preparing. Will need to try and arrange for a teleconference for those that could not make it. Tom wants to bring NIJ member - Justice XML guy, who would join the TC before hand. Tom will also look at the CapWIN facility. Mitre, who is hosting the PPW Summit, may even allow us to use their facility. 
    GROUP: would you be able to make this meeting? We realize it is only 4 weeks away, but it appears we have a good opportunity to do this on the afternoon of the 29th. Please let me know, or suggest other alternatives.

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