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Subject: Re: [emergency-comment] Fwd: CAP Implimentation in CompassLDE
Note that I moved this discussion over to the TC thread and took it off
the Public Comment list.
Also, please notice that what JD is asking is not "what's possible",
but rather "what's official".
On Aug 5, 2004, at 8:08 PM, David Aylward wrote:
> Claude:
> Yes, but not yet in the best way, integrating the data flow into and
> out
> of the CAD system. Obviously that requires an interface with the CAD
> system, which we are looking forward to doing soon.
> David Aylward
> Director
> The ComCARE Alliance
> 888 17th St., N.W.
> Washington, DC 20006
> 202-429-0574 Extension 247
> 202-296-2962 (fax)