OASIS Emergency Management TC

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NOAA/NWS interpretation of < effective> and

  • 1.  NOAA/NWS interpretation of < effective> and

    Posted 01-31-2012 18:45
    All, The NWS interpretation of <effective> and <expires> as documented in  the NWS CAP wiki ( https://wiki.citizen.apps.gov/nws_developers/index.php/Category:Common_Alerting_Protocol ) may not be consistent with the Australian profile.    We noticed there is no <onset> tag in the AU profile.  However, NWS is making every effort to differentiate between the effective time (<effective>) of the information in the alert message, the expected time of the beginning of the event (<onset>), the time at which the information in the message should no longer be used (<expires>), and the time at which the hazard conditions of the subject event are no longer expected (optional parameter we've added called <eventEndingTime> and wish to propose as standard for CAP v2.0). Mike Gerber will be speaking more about this at the Wednesday meeting. Bob