Hi Everyone, The ISCRAM conference (
http://www.iscram2012.org/ ) started on Monday with an impressive Keynote given by Jack Pagotto about Canada's Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System. Slides here:
http://www.slideshare.net/iscram2012/2012-04-23masas CAP-related content on pages 10 and 20-25. On Tuesday I had my short presentation in the early warning systems track about interlinking tsunami early warning systems. Slides here:
http://www.slideshare.net/lendholt/iscram-2012-123 CAP and EDXL-DE related content on pages 22-24. There was also a talk given by Nuwan Waidyanatha (LIRNEasia, Sri Lanka) "Complexity and Usability of Voice-enabled Alerting and Situational Reporting Decoupled Systems" with one or two slides refering to EDXL but they are not yet online. Best regards, Matthias Lendholt -- GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences CeGIT Centre for GeoInformation Technology Tel +49 331 288-1687, FAX +49 331 288-1703 Telegrafenberg A20, 14473 Potsdam, Germany