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Subject: RE: [emergency] GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses
I think Rex is being extremely generous when he says "the GJXDM ... appears
to start from a model and then builds the base or core set of functionality
types and then puts those into a hierarchy that allows for an
Object-Oriented descent of inheritance of properties from those core types."
"Appears" is the keyword. Having worked with this beast from it's inception,
I believe the theory was much better than the implementation and appearance
is deceiving.
I believe he is on target with "...developing a best practice to sort out
elements from the XSDs and identify when to use one over the other for
specific purposes and issue guidelines for using namespace prefixes
The gjxdm tried to be all things to all people and thus is full of
ambiguity. Creating a best practice based on real-world
experience/implementations to eliminate the ambiguity and tighten up
structures will be helpful to this TC as well as others. If the gjxdm shoe
fits, there is no reason not to wear it. Being precise and truly
hierarchical should trump following the gjxdm.
My $.02,