OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] Last Call for Informal CAP-EAS Profile MeetingNext Tuesday

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Last Call for Informal CAP-EAS Profile MeetingNext Tuesday

    Posted 12-12-2008 20:16
    Please the excuse the partial message. My fumblefingers hit the wrong keys.
    Thanks Tom,
    I've always found it a bit difficult to be two places at once. ;-)
    However, we'll just be getting familiarized or refamiliarized with 
    the Industry Group Recommendation, so you won't miss much.
    At 2:35 PM -0500 12/12/08, Merkle, Tom wrote:
    >Next Tuesday (Dec 16) I'll be at the NIST Sensor Standards Harmonization
    >Working Group (SSHWG) meeting. It is unlikely I would be able to be on that
    >teleconference call. I agree we need to do CAP-EAS profile work and I plan
    >to be involved.
    >Tom Merkle
    >System Integration Analyst Sr. Staff
    >Lockheed Martin Corporation
    >Information Systems & Global Services
    >Telephone 410-298-2611  
    >Mobile 410-409-9801
    >E-mail: tom.merkle@lmco.com
    >Web: www.lockheedmartin.com/gss