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Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL-DE routing and valueListUrn
Hey Sukumar, I guess my question applies to both. EPAD prototype uses the
list of values that were submitted with the DE draft/requirements,
right? I guess I am discouraging anyone from proliferating the very dated
early versions of the DE especially since we are so close to
ratification. It would be great for these values to be put into a managed
list and referenced in the current DE fashion. Elysa
At 10:11 AM 3/21/2006, Sukumar Dwarkanath wrote:
>Are you asking about EPAD or EPAD Connect?
>The current EPAD prototype is configured with the list of values that
>was submitted originally with the DE. So, you can register in EPAD to
>receive alerts based on those values, and use the web services to query
>for information.
>EPAD Connect will be upgraded in due course; we are looking for