OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  EDXL RM Statement of Use - NICTA

    Posted 08-19-2008 02:32

    Official statement of use for EDXL-RM:

    “NICTA has successfully used the "Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Resource Messaging (RM) Specification Version 1.0", in accordance with the "Level-2 EDXL-RM Message Producer" conformance clauses stated in the specification.”


    Dr Renato Iannella

    Principal Scientist, National ICT Australia (NICTA)

    Level 5, Axon Building #47, Staff House Rd, St Lucia, QLD, 4072, AUSTRALIA

    [t] +61 7 3300 8520  [f] +61 7 3300 4820 [m] +61 4 1313 2206

    [e] renato@nicta.com.au [w] http://nicta.com.au

    [im] skype:riannella aim:renatoi2003

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] EDXL RM Statement of Use - NICTA

    Posted 08-19-2008 12:56
    Thanks Renato,
    One down, two to go.
    At 12:22 PM +1000 8/19/08, Renato Iannella wrote:
    >Official statement of use for EDXL-RM:
    >"NICTA has successfully used the "Emergency Data Exchange Language 
    >(EDXL) Resource Messaging (RM) Specification Version 1.0", in 
    >accordance with the "Level-2 EDXL-RM Message Producer" conformance 
    >clauses stated in the specification."
    >Dr Renato Iannella
    >Principal Scientist, National ICT Australia (NICTA)
    >Level 5, Axon Building #47, Staff House Rd, St Lucia, QLD, 4072, AUSTRALIA
    >[t] +61 7 3300 8520  [f] +61 7 3300 4820 [m] +61 4 1313 2206
    >[e] renato@nicta.com.au [w]