OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  RE: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 03:34

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 06:30
    Friends -
    Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here, so  
    may I offer a more general suggestion?  Is there someplace where it  
    is, or could be, stated explicitly that our overriding intent is for  
    the ASN.1 and XML codings to represent the same data structure  
    That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the  
    possibility that some small inconsistency will slip past our  
    collective inspection, however thorough.  Might it be prudent,  
    therefore, to memorialize our overall intent as an added safeguard  
    against some accidental artifact being mistaken for intentional at  
    some point in the future?
    - Art

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 07:06
    Art Botterell wrote:
    > Friends -
    > Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here, so may 
    > I offer a more general suggestion?  Is there someplace where it is, or 
    > could be, stated explicitly that our overriding intent is for the ASN.1 
    > and XML codings to represent the same data structure interchangeably?
    This is already mentioned in ITU-T Rec. X.1303.1 (and there is a note in 
    X.1303 that points to X.1303.1 and says the same). Please check if it is 
    an answer to your suggestion.
    > That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the possibility 
    > that some small inconsistency will slip past our collective inspection, 
    > however thorough.  Might it be prudent, therefore, to memorialize our 
    > overall intent as an added safeguard against some accidental artifact 
    > being mistaken for intentional at some point in the future?
    Well... this would mean that ITU-T Rec. X.694 (Mapping from XSD to 
    ASN.1) is broken ;-)
    Olivier DUBUISSON, ITU-T ASN.1 Project leader (including OID)
    France Telecom
    NSM/RD/DDEV/PST - BP 50702 - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
    tel: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - fax: +33 1 58 15 52 05

  • 4.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 14:11
    On Apr 27, 2007, at 4/27/07 12:06 AM, Olivier DUBUISSON wrote:
    > Well... this would mean that ITU-T Rec. X.694 (Mapping from XSD to  
    > ASN.1) is broken ;-)
    I would never say that... ;-)
    - Art

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 13:21
    Makes good sense to me.
    At 11:29 PM -0700 4/26/07, Art Botterell wrote:
    >Friends -
    >Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here, so 
    >may I offer a more general suggestion?  Is there someplace where it 
    >is, or could be, stated explicitly that our overriding intent is for 
    >the ASN.1 and XML codings to represent the same data structure 
    >That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the 
    >possibility that some small inconsistency will slip past our 
    >collective inspection, however thorough.  Might it be prudent, 
    >therefore, to memorialize our overall intent as an added safeguard 
    >against some accidental artifact being mistaken for intentional at 
    >some point in the future?
    >- Art
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 6.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 13:28
    Agreed, I'll ask the OASIS Staff about any guidance along these 
    lines.  Thanks, Elysa
    At 08:20 AM 4/27/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >Makes good sense to me.
    >At 11:29 PM -0700 4/26/07, Art Botterell wrote:
    >>Friends -
    >>Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here, so 
    >>may I offer a more general suggestion?  Is there someplace where it 
    >>is, or could be, stated explicitly that our overriding intent is 
    >>for the ASN.1 and XML codings to represent the same data structure 
    >>That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the 
    >>possibility that some small inconsistency will slip past our 
    >>collective inspection, however thorough.  Might it be prudent, 
    >>therefore, to memorialize our overall intent as an added safeguard 
    >>against some accidental artifact being mistaken for intentional at 
    >>some point in the future?
    >>- Art
    >Rex Brooks
    >President, CEO
    >Starbourne Communications Design
    >GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    >Berkeley, CA 94702
    >Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 7.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-30-2007 16:53
    Hi Elysa,
    Do we have an update on where things stand?
    At 8:27 AM -0500 4/27/07, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >Agreed, I'll ask the OASIS Staff about any guidance along these 
    >lines.  Thanks, Elysa
    >At 08:20 AM 4/27/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >>Makes good sense to me.
    >>At 11:29 PM -0700 4/26/07, Art Botterell wrote:
    >>>Friends -
    >>>Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here, 
    >>>so may I offer a more general suggestion?  Is there someplace 
    >>>where it is, or could be, stated explicitly that our overriding 
    >>>intent is for the ASN.1 and XML codings to represent the same data 
    >>>structure interchangeably?
    >>>That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the 
    >>>possibility that some small inconsistency will slip past our 
    >>>collective inspection, however thorough.  Might it be prudent, 
    >>>therefore, to memorialize our overall intent as an added safeguard 
    >>>against some accidental artifact being mistaken for intentional at 
    >>>some point in the future?
    >>>- Art
    >>Rex Brooks
    >>President, CEO
    >>Starbourne Communications Design
    >>GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    >>Berkeley, CA 94702
    >>Tel: 510-849-2309
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 8.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-30-2007 17:32
    I will be putting a complete note out to the list soon on our 
    summary/status on the three tasks.  We will plan to review the status 
    on our call tomorrow.  I am hopeful to have this complete now in time 
    to submit to ITU by May 10.  Thanks, Elysa
    At 11:51 AM 4/30/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >Hi Elysa,
    >Do we have an update on where things stand?
    >At 8:27 AM -0500 4/27/07, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>Agreed, I'll ask the OASIS Staff about any guidance along these 
    >>lines.  Thanks, Elysa
    >>At 08:20 AM 4/27/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >>>Makes good sense to me.
    >>>At 11:29 PM -0700 4/26/07, Art Botterell wrote:
    >>>>Friends -
    >>>>Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here, 
    >>>>so may I offer a more general suggestion?  Is there someplace 
    >>>>where it is, or could be, stated explicitly that our overriding 
    >>>>intent is for the ASN.1 and XML codings to represent the same 
    >>>>data structure interchangeably?
    >>>>That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the 
    >>>>possibility that some small inconsistency will slip past our 
    >>>>collective inspection, however thorough.  Might it be prudent, 
    >>>>therefore, to memorialize our overall intent as an added 
    >>>>safeguard against some accidental artifact being mistaken for 
    >>>>intentional at some point in the future?
    >>>>- Art
    >>>Rex Brooks
    >>>President, CEO
    >>>Starbourne Communications Design
    >>>GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    >>>Berkeley, CA 94702
    >>>Tel: 510-849-2309
    >Rex Brooks
    >President, CEO
    >Starbourne Communications Design
    >GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    >Berkeley, CA 94702
    >Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 9.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-27-2007 07:07
    Alessandro Triglia wrote:
    > I have checked the ASN.1 in X.cap1, and I think it is correct and matches
    > the XML schema perfectly.
    I would recommend that everybody gets accustomed to the official 
    reference of these 2 new ITU-T Recommendations:
    ITU-T Rec. X.1303 for OASIS CAP 1.1 (previously, X.cap, not X.cap1!)
    ITU-T Rec. X.1303.1 for the ASN.1 specification for CAP 1.1 (previously, 
    So please use them in any future correspondence.
    I'd not like to see things like X.cap and X.cap2 in press releases :-)
    Olivier DUBUISSON, ITU-T ASN.1 Project leader (including OID)
    France Telecom
    NSM/RD/DDEV/PST - BP 50702 - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
    tel: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - fax: +33 1 58 15 52 05