I will be putting a complete note out to the list soon on our
summary/status on the three tasks. We will plan to review the status
on our call tomorrow. I am hopeful to have this complete now in time
to submit to ITU by May 10. Thanks, Elysa
At 11:51 AM 4/30/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
>Hi Elysa,
>Do we have an update on where things stand?
>At 8:27 AM -0500 4/27/07, Elysa Jones wrote:
>>Agreed, I'll ask the OASIS Staff about any guidance along these
>>lines. Thanks, Elysa
>>At 08:20 AM 4/27/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
>>>Makes good sense to me.
>>>At 11:29 PM -0700 4/26/07, Art Botterell wrote:
>>>>Friends -
>>>>Sounds like a lot of important details are being picked up here,
>>>>so may I offer a more general suggestion? Is there someplace
>>>>where it is, or could be, stated explicitly that our overriding
>>>>intent is for the ASN.1 and XML codings to represent the same
>>>>data structure interchangeably?
>>>>That might seem trivial or obvious, but there's always the
>>>>possibility that some small inconsistency will slip past our
>>>>collective inspection, however thorough. Might it be prudent,
>>>>therefore, to memorialize our overall intent as an added
>>>>safeguard against some accidental artifact being mistaken for
>>>>intentional at some point in the future?
>>>>- Art
>>>Rex Brooks
>>>President, CEO
>>>Starbourne Communications Design
>>>GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
>>>Berkeley, CA 94702
>>>Tel: 510-849-2309
>Rex Brooks
>President, CEO
>Starbourne Communications Design
>GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
>Berkeley, CA 94702
>Tel: 510-849-2309