OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  Voting reminder - CAP 1.2 for OASIS wide Standard Vote

    Posted 05-05-2010 20:05
    EM-TC voting members,
    There is an electronic ballot posted on the site for members to vote 
    as to whether we should take the approved CAP 1.2 Committee 
    Specification to an OASIS-Wide vote.  The is NOT the same as the vote 
    we just took which was also an electronic ballot voting for the CAP 
    1.2 Committee Specification.  We agreed in our meeting 4/13 to go for 
    a full OASIS wide standard vote.  However, this must also be done as 
    an electronic ballot requiring a super-majority of our voting 
    members.  That is the ballot running now.  It will close 5/12 at 
    which time OASIS Admin will have the required May 15-31 to perfect 
    the package and make it available for an OASIS vote that will run June 1-30.
    Please vote whether you want the recently approved CAP 1.2 Committee 
    Specification to be submitted for an OASIS-wide Standard vote.
    If you have any questions, please let me know.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    CTO Warning Systems, Inc.

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] Voting reminder - CAP 1.2 for OASIS wide StandardVote

    Posted 05-06-2010 14:26
    Thanks for the Reminder, Elysa,
    Elysa Jones wrote:
    > EM-TC voting members,
    > There is an electronic ballot posted on the site for members to vote 
    > as to whether we should take the approved CAP 1.2 Committee 
    > Specification to an OASIS-Wide vote.  The is NOT the same as the vote 
    > we just took which was also an electronic ballot voting for the CAP 
    > 1.2 Committee Specification.  We agreed in our meeting 4/13 to go for 
    > a full OASIS wide standard vote.  However, this must also be done as 
    > an electronic ballot requiring a super-majority of our voting 
    > members.  That is the ballot running now.  It will close 5/12 at which 
    > time OASIS Admin will have the required May 15-31 to perfect the 
    > package and make it available for an OASIS vote that will run June 1-30.
    > Please vote whether you want the recently approved CAP 1.2 Committee 
    > Specification to be submitted for an OASIS-wide Standard vote.
    > If you have any questions, please let me know.
    > Thanks,
    > Elysa Jones, Chair
    > CTO Warning Systems, Inc.
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670