Thanks for the Reminder, Elysa,
Elysa Jones wrote:
> EM-TC voting members,
> There is an electronic ballot posted on the site for members to vote
> as to whether we should take the approved CAP 1.2 Committee
> Specification to an OASIS-Wide vote. The is NOT the same as the vote
> we just took which was also an electronic ballot voting for the CAP
> 1.2 Committee Specification. We agreed in our meeting 4/13 to go for
> a full OASIS wide standard vote. However, this must also be done as
> an electronic ballot requiring a super-majority of our voting
> members. That is the ballot running now. It will close 5/12 at which
> time OASIS Admin will have the required May 15-31 to perfect the
> package and make it available for an OASIS vote that will run June 1-30.
> Please vote whether you want the recently approved CAP 1.2 Committee
> Specification to be submitted for an OASIS-wide Standard vote.
> If you have any questions, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Elysa Jones, Chair
> CTO Warning Systems, Inc.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670