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Subject: RE: [emergency] FW: [legalxml-intjustice] GJXDM subset schema exa mple and documen tation
Understood. Success at any game is determined not just by the
attitudes of the players but by the games they have played
before regardless of whether they won them or not. The
problems we solve determine our skills. The trick in
*developing* a standard for multiple markets is recognizing
when it solves the same problem in each of them. The
trick to *selling* the solution is knowing the specifics
of each one and selling to that. Or as they said in the
sixties, "different strokes for different folks"
with the same hand.
Sorry to drift this far off topic. Back to the lurk.
From: R. Allen Wyke []
Again, well said and thoroughly put into a good analogy. I will say
that public agencies are the only way to sell CAP, though. And I can
say that definitively through our (Blue292) involvement in dealing with
banks, television stations, etc. Its not just a public sector play. Or
rather, it shouldn't be thought of that way.
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