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Re: [emergency] CAP Cookbook

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] CAP Cookbook

    Posted 07-06-2005 12:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] CAP Cookbook

    Thanks Art!  I'm looking forward to trying it out.  Elysa
    At 01:04 AM 7/6/2005, Art Botterell wrote:
    >Friends -
    >Pursuant to our earlier conversations (and also just for fun) I've
    >wired up a wiki where we can start assembling the "CAP Cookbook" we
    >talked about in New Orleans: <http://www.incident.com/cookbook/>.
    >OASIS is planning to make its own wiki available in the near future,
    >and I imagine the TC will want to use that as its wiki-of-record for
    >documents that feed into standards (e.g., requirements, data
    >dictionary drafts, etc.) but for this sort of "users' guide" function
    >I'm hoping to draw on the experiences of the broader CAP user
    >community without requiring them to take on the whole membership/IPR
    >thing.  And obviously nothing in this unofficial Cookbook is going to
    >take precedence over the published standards.
    >(Anyway, the CAP email list has become a major spam-magnet and not
    >terribly interactive anyway, so I'm itching to try something new.)
    >So anyway, please make yourselves at home if you care to.
    >- Art
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