OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  valueListURN

    Posted 06-08-2005 06:33
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: valueListURN

    The valueListURN structure is used to capture the values from managed 
    It is defined as "where the content of valueListUrn is the Uniform 
    Resource Name of a published list of values and definitions, and the 
    content of value is a string (which may represent a number) denoting 
    the value itself"
    For example:
       <valueListUrn> http://www.dhs.gov/NiemRoleType </valueListURN>
       <value> ICS Operations Branch </value>
    valueListUrn is *not* a URN [1] - a true URN does not need to be split 
    as such and the examples
    in the draft document use URLs (which are not URNs).
    A URN would look something like "urn:oasis:terms:roles:ics-operations"
    (A list of URN namespaces currently defined are here [2])
    Q1: Do we want to use real URN syntax? (in which case, we just use a 
    single element)
    Q2: Do we want to use a hybrid system where we identify the authority 
    that manages the
    vocabulary list (with a URI) and then indicate the value?
    For example:
         <authority> http://www.dhs.gov/NiemRoleType </authority>
         <value> ICS Operations Branch </value>
    Dr Renato Iannella
    Project Leader, NICTA, Brisbane, QLD, AUSTRALIA
    P: +61 7 3000 0484 F: +61 7 3000 0480 M: +61 4 1313 2206
    E: renato@nicta.com.au W: http://nicta.com.au
    [1] <http://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3406.txt>
    [2] <http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces>
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