OASIS Emergency Management TC

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[emergency] Potential Face-to-Face Meeting Dates

  • 1.  [emergency] Potential Face-to-Face Meeting Dates

    Posted 02-24-2003 10:04
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    Subject: [emergency] Potential Face-to-Face Meeting Dates

    The following are some upcoming conferences around XML and Web Services that seem to be good possible dates for us to piggy back a f2f meeting with.
    *	Web Services Edge 2003 
    		*	Boston (3/18 - 3/20)
    		*	http://www.sys-con.com/webservicesedge2003east
    		*	OASIS member discount
    *	2003 Secure E-Biz Summit
    		*	Arlington (4/1 - 4/2)
    		*	http://www.secure-biz.net
    		*	OASIS member discount
    *	Web Services for the Integrated Enterprise
    		*	Philadelphia (4/22 - 4/25)
    		*	http://www.omg.org/news/meetings/webservices2003usa
    		*	NO OASIS member discount
    If there are any others that you all are aware of, please be sure to forward.
    Thanx - Allen

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