OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  Who Is Using CAP?

    Posted 06-29-2004 17:32
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    Subject: Who Is Using CAP?

    Per the 2004.06.29 meeting, here is the start of a list of known CAP 
    implementations. If you are aware of any others, please reply and 
    include the details (in no specific order).
    [Software Vendors]
    Blue292 (www.blue292.com)
    E Team (www.eteam.com)
    IEM, Inc. (www.ieminc.com)
    mobileFoundations (www.mobilefoundations.com)
    Ship Analytics (www.shipanalytics.com)
    [Solution Vendors]
    Comlabs, Inc. (www.comlabs.com)
    NDS, Ltd.
    Warning Systems, Inc. (www.warningsystems.com)
    Capital Wireless Integrated Network, know as CapWIN (www.capwin.org)
    MyStateUSA (www.mystateusa.com)
    Oregon RAINS (www.oregonrains.org)
    GeoDecisions, Inc. (www.geodecisions.com)
    Hormann America, Inc. (www.hormannamerica.com)
    [Public Agencies and Groups]
    California Office of Emergency Services (www.oes.ca.gov)
    Department of Homeland Security (www.dhs.gov)
    National Weather Service (www.weather.gov)
    United States Geological Survey (www.usgs.gov)
    Virginia Department of Transportation (www.virginiadot.org)
    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC

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