OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] IFSC was: RE: [emergency-msg] Any word from Jamie? Notes.

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] IFSC was: RE: [emergency-msg] Any word from Jamie? Notes.

    Posted 08-17-2004 13:36
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] IFSC was: RE: [emergency-msg] Any word from Jamie? Notes.

    Thanks, Art,
    It helps to be able to start getting more specific.
    At 9:33 PM -0700 8/16/04, Art Botterell wrote:
    >If the TC as a whole finds some version of the "Emergency Data 
    >Exchange Language" framework acceptable, that might suggest several 
    >specific things the IF SC could take on within layers three and four 
    >of that model.  For example... documenting and formalizing the 
    >several established mechanisms for moving CAP and other XML messages 
    >around... reviewing the "wrapper" format that will be coming in soon 
    >from the FEMA/EIC work... and developing a specific strategy for 
    >identity management and access control.  (There are also various 
    >registry-related ideas pending, but those seem to be more about 
    >implementation than about standard development.)
    >By the same token, I expect that FEMA/EIC will be proposing a set of 
    >messages and an underlying vocabulary (drawing from the GJXDM and 
    >various other sources) over the next several months for the 
    >Messaging group to work over.  Plus of course there may be both 
    >near-term ("1.1") CAP issues and a longer-term ("2.0") integration 
    >of CAP into a larger EDXL framework.
    >And the GIS team might want to look into how some data models being 
    >developed for NGA's "Project Homeland" might be integrated with our 
    >eventing / messaging model, and vice versa.  (Their current working 
    >draft is available for download in a ZIP file from 
    >I do think we may want to consider whether our current subcommittee 
    >structure is optimal, but it looks like we could make it work if we 
    >choose to preserve it.
    >The key to all this, I like to think, is that due in large part to 
    >our success with CAP we now have active input from FEMA (and through 
    >it, from all of DHS) and from the EIC to guide us on those 
    >user-requirements and business-process questions that have held us 
    >up in the past.
    >- Art
    >At 6:21 PM -0700 8/16/04, Kon Wilms wrote:
    >>Just to add,
    >>Maybe we also should discuss exactly what if anything the IFSC is going
    >>to accomplish in the near-term future. Up until this point it has
    >>largely been a do-nothing group (not by intentions, but by
    >>non-execution). I think it is prime time to give it a good kick in the
    >>ass and get some direction or abandon it altogether.
    >>My concern is that the longer it continues to produce nothing, the more
    >>obvious it will become that it is simply another black-hole standards
    >>group that cannot be relied upon to deliver any goods.
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    >To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the 
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    Rex Brooks
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    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
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