OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] EDXL 2-May-2005: Distribution element : IDs

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] EDXL 2-May-2005: Distribution element : IDs

    Posted 05-17-2005 06:53
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] EDXL 2-May-2005: Distribution element : IDs

    On 11 May 2005, at 15:54, Art Botterell wrote:
    > As you know, our current approach is to use a combination of the 
    > message id, sender id and timestamp as the "primary key" for 
    > individual messages, as per the definition in <references>.  That's to 
    > allow senders to use their own internal message numbering systems, if 
    > they have them, and to namespace them within their own domains... and 
    > to "timespace" them with the timestamp.  Also it's a bit more 
    > informative on inspection than a UUID.  But I'm sure we're all open to 
    > input on why some other way would be better.
    My view is that the information about the senderID and timestamp 
    already appears, so there is no
    need to repeat this as part of a <reference>. If there is a need to 
    support internal message numbering
    systems, then I would recommend that we make the <reference> element of 
    URI datatype and individual
    systems can prefix with their domain name (etc) and also allow those 
    who wish to use other URI systems
    (such as UUID).
    As an example, Web Services Notification (WSN) uses UUID for its 
    message identifiers.
    (BTW - we should look at WSN as a mechanisms for EDXL message 
    subscription and exchange ;-)
    > As for <sender>, perhaps I misunderstand, but I don't think we 
    > actually limit these ids to email addresses...
    Yes we do. The document says "... in the form user@hostname..."
    Dr Renato Iannella
    Project Leader, NICTA, Brisbane, QLD, AUSTRALIA
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    E: renato@nicta.com.au W: http://nicta.com.au
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