OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm

    Posted 07-27-2004 15:04
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm

    Hey Gary (et al),
    Allen is correct about the fact that the CAP effort is not funded by OJP.
    Some/many (can't recall off the top of my head how many) of the efforts
    utilizing CAP receive some amount of OJP funding, and I've not heard of any
    who have objected to the grant language.  I know for most of those grants
    the language was the old "OJP *may* require compliance" vs. the newer
    language which I believe is less vague.
    Both Ken Gill (OJP) and I have been discussing that we need to do a better
    job of reaching out to the CAP community.  Your e-mail gives us reason to do
    more than talk about it, so appreciate you monitoring and reaching out to
    the CAP community.
    Also wanted to note that Art's message is correct as well.  We started from
    the same base, then didn't remain as active in each other's efforts as maybe
    we should have.  Nothing that can't be resolved with better communication.
    Thanks again!
    Paul Embley
    Global XML Structured Task Force Chair