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Subject: Re: [emergency] URN namespace for EDXL
Renato -
Yes, there is an Internet Standard (IETF) for the Oasis URN. FYI, the OGC
is also working the IETF process for approval of an official OGC URN.
> Hi all - two of the EDXL elements (Distribution Status, Distribution
> Type)
> define their own vocabulary of values (eg Actual, Exercise, System,
> Test - for Status).
> Should we utlise the formal URN mechanism (that other OASIS technical
> committees use)
> to give these all unique names instead?
> For example:
> urn:oasis:names:tc:em:edxl:status:actual
> urn:oasis:names:tc:em:edxl:status:exercise
> (not sure of the exact components for the URN - is there an OASIS
> document on that?)
> The main advantage is that we uniquely identify the source of the
> vocabulary, and later,
> we may wish to support other vocabularies.
> Cheers... Renato Iannella
> Project Leader, NICTA, Brisbane, QLD, AUSTRALIA
> P: +61 7 3000 0484 F: +61 7 3000 0480 M: +61 4 1313 2206
> E: W:
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