OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] HAVE Conformance vs. Documentation vs. Released Schemas

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] HAVE Conformance vs. Documentation vs. Released Schemas

    Posted 03-15-2010 17:20
    Once again I am in a position to completely disagree with your statements.
     The Keyword concept not only matches nicely with the NIEM NDR – it also
    completely supports the use of NIEM Code Lists – IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE
    EDXL is a series of INTERNATIONAL Standards.  Federation with NIEM is nice
    and I heavily support that every day for both FEMA and DHS – but
    Federation is NOT compliance.  For more on this I once again would point
    you to http://www.grandpaham.com for some interesting perspective on this.
    The ideas of things like adapters and code lists (especially through the
    use of keywords) support the federation of NIEM if you choose to use NIEM.
     We are not in the position (or the desire) to re-make EDXL into NIEM –
    that does not support our International views.
    We (I am speaking of my little company) utilize NIEM through the concepts
    provided to consume EDXL through adapters and code lists.  I would like to
    promote the idea of using NIEM’s data dictionary for future development
    simply because it helps us get closer to common terms between our varying
    standards – but that is a discussion for a much broader group that
    includes our international members…
    > Lee,      keyword concept
    >  That is definitely not NIEM compliant nor is it good for long term
    > interoperability.  Better is an extensible payload area with type of
    > ##any - or even better using the NIEM extension mechanism to provide an
    > extension schema for these new pieces.  Those can then be simply
    > incorporated in the next standard schema.   HAVE EDXL is a half-way house
    > at the moment - some parts are following NIEM - others not so much.
    > Obviously its a balancing act - but I would suggest where NIEM has good
    > mechanisms for implementing these needs - that those techniques should be
    > considered first.  This also allows just to provide guidelines to
    > developers - that then can then use when they encounter these situations.
    >   Thanks, DW