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Fwd: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expeditionworkshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required

  • 1.  Fwd: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expeditionworkshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required

    Posted 12-02-2003 18:02
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    Subject: Fwd: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expeditionworkshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required

    Hi Everyone,
    In case I managed to miss anyone, here is the invitation that applies 
    to any from this TC who wish to attend the event where I will be 
    presenting material on the collaboration that features CAP within a 
    WSRP Portal for Public Health Preparedness in a Proof of Concept for 
    the New York Academy of Medicine. The Paper and the Slide 
    Presentation will be made publicly available following the workshop. 
    Some elements of this will also likely show up in our participation 
    in a Town Hall Meeting on Emerging Technologies the evening of Dec. 9 
    at XML 2003 in Philiadelphia.
    >Approved-By: susan.turnbull@GSA.GOV
    >X-WSS-ID: 13A45FE8533283-01-01
    >Date:         Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:26:08 -0500
    >Reply-To: susan.turnbull@GSA.GOV
    >Sender: UA-EXPEDITION <UA-EXPEDITION@listserv.gsa.gov>
    >From: Susan Turnbull <susan.turnbull@GSA.GOV>
    >Subject: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expedition 
    >workshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required
    >To: UA-EXPEDITION@listserv.gsa.gov
    >X-Rcpt-To: <rexb@STARBOURNE.COM>
    >X-DPOP: Version number supressed
    >Status: U
    >Please join us on Tuesday, December 9, for the Collaboration Expedition
    >workshop at NSF.  The workshop agenda is below.  We'll explore the
    >Potential and Realites of Creating Public Information Environments that
    >Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships.   Past workshop presentations
    >are at: ua-exp.gov.
    >If you or a colleague, would like to attend the workshop, please RSVP by
    >mailto:renee.hughes@gsa.gov to ensure building entry.  The workshop begins
    >at 8:30 AM in the National Science Foundation Board Room, Ballston, VA.
    >Visitor badge procedures and directions are at the bottom of this message.
    >Lunch tickets ($8.00/person) will be available from Renee Hughes at the
    >workshop sign-in table between 8:00-10:00 AM.
    >Please note that NSF's new security procedures require that all laptops
    >accessing the LAN be scanned for viruses in Room 205.  This procedure takes
    >approximately five minutes.
    >Best Regards,
    >Susan B. Turnbull, Senior Program Advisor, GSA
    >Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, Office of Citizen Services and
    >Emerging Technology Subcommittee, Architecture and Infrastructure
    >Committee, CIOC
    >                      Draft Agenda  - December 9, 2003
    >                    Collaboration Expedition Workshop #30
    >                         NSF, Stafford II, Room 555
    >Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Creating Public
    >Information Environments that Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships.
    >How can the openness and freedom that characterizes sound public
    >information environments, become a stabilizing fulcrum as new contractual
    >social interactions (activities of exchange, payment, evaluation and
    >institutional advancement) are created to reflect intergovernmental
    >priorities?  How will citizen-centered performance measurements emerge from
    >this multi-stakeholder, multi-jurisdictional process?  How can the
    >principles of user-centered design guide progress?  How can emerging
    >technologies like XML/RDF standards and Human Markup Language improve
    >collaboration around problem-centered, intergovernmental scenarios?  How
    >can the collective understanding that emerges contribute to broad adoption
    >of the Federal Enterprise Architecture?  What broad, longitudinal measures
    >are researchers using today to evaluate the conditions that facilitate
    >interaction and participation among citizens and their governments,
    >The President's Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to
    >transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and
    >technology in order to become a citizen-centered government.  The PMA
    >emphasizes bringing value and results to citizens, businesses, and
    >government workers by "reducing the burden" and producing measurable
    >The Federal Enterprise Architecture is emerging as an important
    >collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective,
    >efficient services.  Two key FEA elements are defining the business of
    >government services (via the Business Reference Model) and improving
    >performance (via the Performance Reference Model).  How do we do that?  How
    >do we learn how to do that together?  Who are our users, and what are their
    >real goals and needs?  What do they want to do?  How does that translate to
    >action?  And how do we know when we're succeeding?  The emerging Community
    >of Practice on Usability will share insights and perspectives around these
    >questions, in light of FEA goals.
    >    8:30 AM     Coffee
    >    9:00 AM     Welcome
    >           Susan Turnbull, GSA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, Brand
    >           Niemann, EPA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee
    >   9:20 AM Introduction to Each Other: Who is Here?  What are Your Interests
    >           and Questions?  Who is Missing?
    >   9:45 AM Brief Tour of the American Customer Satisfaction Index.  How is
    >           this measure being used today to validate citizen-centered
    >           performance?  Bernie Lubran, Dept. of Treasury,
    >  10:15 AM Open Dialogue
    >    10:30 AM    BREAK
    >  10:45 AM How can Human Markup Language advance social needs understanding
    >           by intergovernmental process teams as they determine how to
    >           support multi-jurisdictional users and their increasingly
    >           interdependent tasks?
    >           Incubating New Kinds of Collaborations through Emerging XML/RDF
    >           Technologies: Proof of Concept for Public Healthcare Preparedness
    >           Portal for the New York Academy of Medicine using the Common
    >           Alerting Protocol, Rex Brooks, Co-chair, OASIS Human Markup
    >           Technical Committee
    >    11:30 AM    Open Dialogue
    >  12:00 PM Lunch/Networking
    >  12:45 PM How can we better understand the conditions on the Web that are
    >           needed for citizens to engage in contractual social interaction
    >           (activities of exchange, payment, evaluation and institutional
    >           advancement) with their governments?
    >           Webbing Governance: Global Trends across National Level Public
    >           Agencies, Todd LaPorte, Ph.D., Cyberspace Policy Research Group,
    >           George Mason University, School of Public Policy
    >     1:45 PM    Open Discussion: How can we apply our collective knowledge
    >           to priority "citizen-centered" challenges of eGov in light of
    >           FEA?  Duane Degler, IPGems/Lockheed Martin, SSA, facilitator
    >     3:00 PM    Wrap-up and Workshop Adjourns Workshop presentations,
    >           resources, and contributor information at: http://ua-exp.gov.
    >     3:15 PM    Networking
    >Visitor badge procedures and directions:
    >Go to main NSF bldg. at 4201 Wilson Blvd.(Stafford I Building). Enter
    >around the corner at the NSF visitor entrance at N. Stuart and Ninth Sts.
    >After receiving visitor badge, walk around the corner to 4121 Wilson Blvd.
    >(Stafford II Building), Room 555.
    >If traveling by:
    >1. Car: Parking lot below the Stafford I and II buildings (entrances on
    >Wilson and N. Stuart)
    >2. Subway: Ballston metro station - exit to right along N. Stuart. Walk one
    >           block to main NSF entrance at N. Stuart and Ninth Sts, Ballston,
    >           VA.
    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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