OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] Fwd: OASIS EM TC Category for EDXL standards

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Fwd: OASIS EM TC Category for EDXL standards

    Posted 09-20-2005 14:33
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Fwd: OASIS EM TC Category for EDXL standards

    Might the promulgation and ongoing maintenance of a recommended  
    standards profile fall within the scope of NIEM?  Could the grant  
    language simply reference such a listing?
    - Art
    On Sep 19, 2005, at 6:44 AM, Elysa Jones wrote:
    > Art and others,
    > I met last week with the DM program and the EIC and we discussed  
    > this topic.  There is guidance in the works for grant programs as  
    > well for other federal agencies to use.  The particular draft that  
    > was circulated to the TC members was very preliminary.  All agreed  
    > that making EIC membership a requirement and forcing DMIS was not  
    > in the best interest of anyone.  The main reason for Bill Kalin  
    > sending the message was to ask if we or someone at OASIS had run  
    > into this naming issue before.  That is, a way to reference several  
    > standards all in the same discipline but on different upgrade and  
    > development paths.  He was particularly interested in getting some  
    > wording from us that would reference the work being done now  
    > including versions to follow as well as additional EDXL emerging  
    > standards.  They seem to want to avoid listing each separately and  
    > are concerned about versions getting out of date.  Any suggestions?
    > Elysa Jones, Chair
    > Engineering Program Manager
    > Warning Systems, Inc.
    > 256-880-8702 x102
    > At 05:19 PM 9/18/2005, Art Botterell wrote:
    >> This strikes me as the wrong way to do the right thing.  Certainly
    >> there should be grant guidance language that promotes the use of open
    >> standards and even perhaps particular ones.
    >> But this has the regrettable appearance of an attempt to carve out
    >> some bureaucratic turf for EIC and the DM program, by designating
    >> them as the sole legitimate source of such standards... even before
    >> those standards are identified, evaluated or even created.
    >> I would think that an eclectic profile of recommended standards,
    >> drawing from all the available sources and updated from time to time
    >> as new standards are formalized and old ones are updated, would be
    >> much more in the inclusive spirit of NEIM.
    >> And from a more tactical point of view, I think it could actually be
    >> damaging to the current positive reception and uptake of CAP within
    >> its target domain (alerting and warning) to complicate things by
    >> confusing it with the much broader, and as yet much less mature, EDXL
    >> program.
    >> For some time now our workplan has been to continue to promote and
    >> develop CAP separately while EDXL develops and mature, and then to
    >> create a fully EDXL-compliant version at CAP 2.0.
    >> I don't believe OASIS or the TC ought to change that approach for
    >> what appear to be merely bureaucratic reasons.  Funding guidance
    >> language certainly could be written to include CAP and EDXL
    >> specifically without conflating the two prematurely or preemptively
    >> excluding other potential sources of valuable standards.
    >> Aside from being bad practice technically, I don't think OASIS and
    >> this TC want to get embroiled in external jurisdictional issues...
    >> especially not at a time where the whole current structure of
    >> emergency management is undergoing so much scrutiny at the highest
    >> policy levels.
    >> - Art
    >> On Sep 12, 2005, at 9/12/05 3:25 PM, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>> TC Members,  I received the following email from Bill Kalin
    >>> representing the DHS/DM program.  There is specific grant guidance
    >>> language proposed for our review.  I would prefer discussion begin
    >>> on the list and then we can take it up at the next regular TC call
    >>> 9/20.  Elysa
    >>>> From: "Kalin, Bill" <Bill.Kalin@associates.dhs.gov>
    >>>> To: "'ejones@warningsystems.com'" <ejones@warningsystems.com>
    >>>> Cc: Matt Walton <mwalton3@gmail.com>, "Hines, Chip"
    >>>> <Chip.Hines@dhs.gov>,
    >>>>         "Baker, Ashley" <Ashley.Baker@associates.dhs.gov>,
    >>>>         "McIntyre, Robert" <Robert.Mcintyre@associates.dhs.gov>,
    >>>>         "Wood, Mark" <Mark.Wood@associates.dhs.gov>
    >>>> Subject: OASIS EM TC Category for EDXL standards
    >>>> Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:11:51 -0400
    >>>> Elysa - We have been asked by the Office of Management and Budget
    >>>> (OMB) to create standardized RFI/RFP language that federal
    >>>> agencies would required to use when seeking to purchase an
    >>>> incident management software application.  We want to be able to
    >>>> refer to EDXL as a single set of standards as opposed to listing
    >>>> them all individually, including CAP.  This is the first step in
    >>>> creating common grant guidance language that will be required when
    >>>> local, tribal and state governments are seeking to purchase
    >>>> incident management tools with DHS grant money.  We believe this
    >>>> will strongly facilitate the adoption of standards within the
    >>>> vendor community and further develop this emerging market.
    >>>> What can be done via OASIS to help create this single type of
    >>>> category under the OASIS TC?  I am attaching a draft of proposed
    >>>> language for the RFI/RFP's which includes a desired reference to
    >>>> the OASIS web site.
    >>>> Bill Kalin
    >>>> Disaster Management eGov Initiative
    >>>> Office of the Chief Information Officer
    >>>> Emergency Preparedness and Response/FEMA
    >>>> Department of Homeland Security
    >>>> (202) 646-4347
    >>>> bill.kalin@associates.dhs.gov
    >>> <Purchase_Guidance_DM.doc>
    >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    >>> -
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    >>> my_workgroups.php
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    >> my_workgroups.php
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