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Fwd: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expeditionworkshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required

  • 1.  Fwd: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expeditionworkshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required

    Posted 11-18-2003 22:28
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    Subject: Fwd: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expeditionworkshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required

    >Approved-By: susan.turnbull@GSA.GOV
    >X-WSS-ID: 13A45FE8533283-01-01
    >Date:         Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:26:08 -0500
    >Reply-To: susan.turnbull@GSA.GOV
    >Sender: UA-EXPEDITION <UA-EXPEDITION@listserv.gsa.gov>
    >From: Susan Turnbull <susan.turnbull@GSA.GOV>
    >Subject: Invitation to the December 9 Collaboration Expedition 
    >workshop at NSF; no fee, but RSVP required
    >To: UA-EXPEDITION@listserv.gsa.gov
    >X-Rcpt-To: <rexb@STARBOURNE.COM>
    >X-DPOP: Version number supressed
    >Status: U
    >Please join us on Tuesday, December 9, for the Collaboration Expedition
    >workshop at NSF.  The workshop agenda is below.  We'll explore the
    >Potential and Realites of Creating Public Information Environments that
    >Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships.   Past workshop presentations
    >are at: ua-exp.gov.
    >If you or a colleague, would like to attend the workshop, please RSVP by
    >mailto:renee.hughes@gsa.gov to ensure building entry.  The workshop begins
    >at 8:30 AM in the National Science Foundation Board Room, Ballston, VA.
    >Visitor badge procedures and directions are at the bottom of this message.
    >Lunch tickets ($8.00/person) will be available from Renee Hughes at the
    >workshop sign-in table between 8:00-10:00 AM.
    >Please note that NSF's new security procedures require that all laptops
    >accessing the LAN be scanned for viruses in Room 205.  This procedure takes
    >approximately five minutes.
    >Best Regards,
    >Susan B. Turnbull, Senior Program Advisor, GSA
    >Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, Office of Citizen Services and
    >Emerging Technology Subcommittee, Architecture and Infrastructure
    >Committee, CIOC
    >                      Draft Agenda  - December 9, 2003
    >                    Collaboration Expedition Workshop #30
    >                         NSF, Stafford II, Room 555
    >Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Creating Public
    >Information Environments that Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships.
    >How can the openness and freedom that characterizes sound public
    >information environments, become a stabilizing fulcrum as new contractual
    >social interactions (activities of exchange, payment, evaluation and
    >institutional advancement) are created to reflect intergovernmental
    >priorities?  How will citizen-centered performance measurements emerge from
    >this multi-stakeholder, multi-jurisdictional process?  How can the
    >principles of user-centered design guide progress?  How can emerging
    >technologies like XML/RDF standards and Human Markup Language improve
    >collaboration around problem-centered, intergovernmental scenarios?  How
    >can the collective understanding that emerges contribute to broad adoption
    >of the Federal Enterprise Architecture?  What broad, longitudinal measures
    >are researchers using today to evaluate the conditions that facilitate
    >interaction and participation among citizens and their governments,
    >The President's Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to
    >transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and
    >technology in order to become a citizen-centered government.  The PMA
    >emphasizes bringing value and results to citizens, businesses, and
    >government workers by "reducing the burden" and producing measurable
    >The Federal Enterprise Architecture is emerging as an important
    >collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective,
    >efficient services.  Two key FEA elements are defining the business of
    >government services (via the Business Reference Model) and improving
    >performance (via the Performance Reference Model).  How do we do that?  How
    >do we learn how to do that together?  Who are our users, and what are their
    >real goals and needs?  What do they want to do?  How does that translate to
    >action?  And how do we know when we're succeeding?  The emerging Community
    >of Practice on Usability will share insights and perspectives around these
    >questions, in light of FEA goals.
    >    8:30 AM     Coffee
    >    9:00 AM     Welcome
    >           Susan Turnbull, GSA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, Brand
    >           Niemann, EPA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee
    >   9:20 AM Introduction to Each Other: Who is Here?  What are Your Interests
    >           and Questions?  Who is Missing?
    >   9:45 AM Brief Tour of the American Customer Satisfaction Index.  How is
    >           this measure being used today to validate citizen-centered
    >           performance?  Bernie Lubran, Dept. of Treasury,
    >  10:15 AM Open Dialogue
    >    10:30 AM    BREAK
    >  10:45 AM How can Human Markup Language advance social needs understanding
    >           by intergovernmental process teams as they determine how to
    >           support multi-jurisdictional users and their increasingly
    >           interdependent tasks?
    >           Incubating New Kinds of Collaborations through Emerging XML/RDF
    >           Technologies: Proof of Concept for Public Healthcare Preparedness
    >           Portal for the New York Academy of Medicine using the Common
    >           Alerting Protocol, Rex Brooks, Co-chair, OASIS Human Markup
    >           Technical Committee
    >    11:30 AM    Open Dialogue
    >  12:00 PM Lunch/Networking
    >  12:45 PM How can we better understand the conditions on the Web that are
    >           needed for citizens to engage in contractual social interaction
    >           (activities of exchange, payment, evaluation and institutional
    >           advancement) with their governments?
    >           Webbing Governance: Global Trends across National Level Public
    >           Agencies, Todd LaPorte, Ph.D., Cyberspace Policy Research Group,
    >           George Mason University, School of Public Policy
    >     1:45 PM    Open Discussion: How can we apply our collective knowledge
    >           to priority "citizen-centered" challenges of eGov in light of
    >           FEA?  Duane Degler, IPGems/Lockheed Martin, SSA, facilitator
    >     3:00 PM    Wrap-up and Workshop Adjourns Workshop presentations,
    >           resources, and contributor information at: http://ua-exp.gov.
    >     3:15 PM    Networking
    >Visitor badge procedures and directions:
    >Go to main NSF bldg. at 4201 Wilson Blvd.(Stafford I Building). Enter
    >around the corner at the NSF visitor entrance at N. Stuart and Ninth Sts.
    >After receiving visitor badge, walk around the corner to 4121 Wilson Blvd.
    >(Stafford II Building), Room 555.
    >If traveling by:
    >1. Car: Parking lot below the Stafford I and II buildings (entrances on
    >Wilson and N. Stuart)
    >2. Subway: Ballston metro station - exit to right along N. Stuart. Walk one
    >           block to main NSF entrance at N. Stuart and Ninth Sts, Ballston,
    >           VA.
    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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