FYI __ Jim Cabral 502 509-4532 From: cdmgtri Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 5:06 PM To: NIEM/NIEM-Releases Cc: Subscribed Subject: [NIEM/NIEM-Releases] Pre-release niem-5.0rc1 - NIEM 5.0 Release Candidate 1 NIEM 5.0 Release Candidate 1 Repository: NIEM/NIEM-Releases Tag: niem-5.0rc1 Commit: ca5d79c Released by: cdmgtri The release candidate 1 (RC1) draft of the NIEM 5.0 major release is now available for review. The final NIEM 5.0 release is scheduled for Fall 2020. Feedback Please post your comments by Thursday, September 10, 2020 to the issue tracker or email . Major content changes include Addition of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) metadata Addition of content from the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) content as a precursor to the upcoming Statistics domain Addition of new content from the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PH-EOC) Minimum Data Set to the Emergency Management domain Major updates to the FBI NCIC, NDEx, and UCR code tables Simplified release folder layout and the removal of version numbers from file paths Updated character encoding (from US-ASCII to UTF-8) and addition of attribute xml:lang to the reference schemas for better international support Updated structures and appinfo utility schemas as part of the upcoming Naming and Design Rule (NDR) Specification 5.0 update Many harmonization content updates Please see the README file in the release for more changes and details. This release has 2 assets: Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) Visit the release page to download them. You are receiving this because you are watching this repository. View it on GitHub or unsubscribe from all notifications for this repository.