OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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Conference call continuation

  • 1.  Conference call continuation

    Posted 10-11-2005 18:09
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    legalxml-courtfiling message

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    Subject: Conference call continuation

    Friends – I just touched base with .  To stay on our timeline, we must resolve the remaining issues today.  Consequently, I have scheduled a further conference call for 4:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 pm Pacific time this afternoon.

    The call information remains the same:

    Call in number               1-605-528-8855

    Access code                 2892164

    We will resolve the remaining issues set forth below:

    7.  Whether we need a FilingAuthorized Timestamp – the time when a user approved (released) a filing to be sent to the filing review process (Shane’s recommendation).

    8.  Whether we need a FilingReceived Timestamp – the time when the filing review MDE received (lodged) a filing in addition to the originalMessageReceipt date and time (Shane’s recommendation).

    9.  Whether we need a FiledTimestamp – the legally effective date assigned to a filed document (Shane’s recommendation).

    10.  Whether we need a DocketingReceived Timestamp – the time when the court record process receives a docketing (Shane’s recommendation).

    11.  Whether we should adopt a model for person-organization relationships that is independent of the model used by GJXDM (Shane’s recommendation).

    12  Whether we maintain the Service MDE (Shane believes that we eliminated it).

    I hope that most of you will be able to participate.

    John M. Greacen

    Greacen Associates, LLC



    505-289-2163 (fax)

    505-780-1450 (cell)

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