LegalXML ECF TC: At the TC conference call today, we finalized the agenda for the 10/3 face-to-face meeting of the TC in Long Beach, CA (in conjunction with the Court Technology Conference) as follows: 1. LegalXML Member Section and Steering Committee update 2. Proposals for new LegalXML committees (LegalRuleML, ParliamentXML) 3. NIEM update – summary from NIEM National Training Event and XSTF 4. Feedback from ECF implementers and new use cases a. Bankruptcy filings b. Other federal filings c. Non-court filings (e.g. LA County) 5. Future versions of ECF 6. Outreach opportunities 7. Future of ECF TC 8. Future of LegalXML Member Section – merger w/ egov? One of my action items was to invite implementers of the ECF specifications to discuss their use cases and ideas for future versions of the specification. Consequently, I have invited representatives from the following organizations that I know to be implementers of the ECF specifications: - Arizona Courts - BAE / US Courts - Florida Association of County Clerks - Green Filing - Los Angeles County ISAB - New York Courts - Utah Courts - URL Integration - Tybera - VistaSG / Amcad - Wiznet / Tyler It is critical that we have a complete picture of how the specifications are being used before we define the future for the ECF specifications and TC. Therefore, please let me know if there are other implementers that I should invite to this important discussion. Thanks, James E. Cabral Jr., Senior Manager MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C. 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3010 Seattle, Washington 98101-3292 (206) 442-5010 Phone (502) 509-4532 Mobile (206) 442-5011 Fax Helping our clients make a difference in the lives of the people they serve. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.