OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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  • 1.  Comments on WS MP

    Posted 11-10-2005 17:45
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    Subject: Comments on WS MP

    Jim and TC:

    Apologies for not getting these comments out sooner, but I do have the following comments on the Web Services Messaging Profile:

    Line 273:� The WS-I Basic Profile requires that the receiver of a message not rely on the SOAPAction header for processing of the message.� Given that, I wonder why we are requiring that it be used.� From an implementer's point of view, SOAPAction is generally ignored and of little value, since per WS-I BP all information vital to processing has to be included in the SOAP Body anyway.� I recommend we rewrite section 2.5 so that the WS MP relies only on http request/response to satisfy this profile requirement.

    (Similar comment applies to lines 280-281).

    Line 283: I find this section confusing.� The purpose of this profile requirement is to make sure profiles have a way of delimiting between the message and attachments, and between attachments.� All we need to do here is refer to WS-I BP and WS-I Attachments profile, which in turn rely on SOAP 1.1 and SOAP with Attachments.� Those specifications require MIME boundaries between the message and attachments, and between individual attachments.� I recommend that this section be rewritten per the above to clarify it.

    I will be on the call from 10-10:25, and would be happy to discuss these points at that time.



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