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Subject: Enforcing meeting attendance rules
Beginning with the Las Vegas face to
face meeting, we will begin enforcing OASIS’ TC meeting attendance
requirements.� In order to maintain your status as a voting member, you will
have to attend two of every three consecutive meetings.� Meetings include
telephone conference calls and face to face meetings, although persons
participating in one or both of the conference calls held in conjunction with a
face to face meeting will be credited with attendance at the face to face
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of all meetings.�
Attendance records will be entered by the secretary into the OASIS Kavi system.
Members missing two of three meetings will receive a
warning.� If they do not thereafter meet the attendance requirement, their
membership status will be changed from voting member to observer.�
The co-chairs have the authority to excuse attendance, but
OASIS expects that authority to be used sparingly.
I have arranged for us to have the capacity for 50 persons
to participate in our next conference call, scheduled for January 6th.�
We have 55 members and 6 observers.� However, 50 is the capacity of the
conference calling service to which we subscribe.� We have never had more than
20 participants in such calls in the past.� But because of the limited
capacity, I would suggest that you call into the conference call a couple of
minutes early to ensure that you have a place.
John M. Greacen
Greacen Associates, LLC
HCR 78, Box 23
Regina, New Mexico 87046
505-780-1450 (cell)
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