OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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[legalxml-courtfiling] Alert - Court Filing Policy requirementsdocument

  • 1.  [legalxml-courtfiling] Alert - Court Filing Policy requirementsdocument

    Posted 11-18-2002 19:10
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    legalxml-courtfiling message

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    Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Alert - Court Filing Policy requirementsdocument

    Roger Winters has posted a thoughtful objection to approval of Court 
    Filing Policy as amended and recommended by Don Bergeron.  Please review 
    Roger's message and let us know how you stand on the matter.
    John M. Greacen
    Greacen Associates, LLC
    HCR 78, Box 23
    Regina, New Mexico 87046
    505-780-1450 (cell)

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