OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Case Initiation Elements

  • 1.  RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Case Initiation Elements

    Posted 05-31-2005 18:47
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    Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Case Initiation Elements

    Tom and Scott – This is all news to me.  I have been under the impression, from the earliest days of the TC, that our XML specifications have to include the information needed by courts to initiate new cases, in all case types.  That is information that needs to come in XML so that it is available directly to the court (or the Filing Review MDE) for creation of the case opening information for filing of complaints, petitions, informations, and indictments that create new cases.  If the data is not there, the court cannot file these documents.  Going down into another layer of the message structure to find this information – where according to Scott it would not necessarily be in XML at all – seems to me to create problems for implementers.  

    I read the Court Filing Blue requirements document to be consistent with my prior understanding that this information is included within the Blue specification and schema.  I guess this shows that there are problems with the requirements documents if we three can read it and come to such different expectations about this important part of the efiling process.   When we discussed the issue in – when I took on responsibility for collecting this information – no one suggested that it was out of scope for Blue.  When I collected the data from multiple sources, several of whom are TC members (including Dallas, Robin, Roger, and Jim Harris), no one suggested that it was outside the scope of Blue.

    I am open to discussion of this issue, and am willing to consider alternative approaches.  But the matter requires discussion on the list.

    Dallas, Shane, Don, Jim Beard, Shogan Naidoo, Robert DePhillips and other implementers – do we need to include this information in Court Filing Blue or can we create a structure that posits its appearance in some part of the Court Filing Blue message that is not defined in Blue?

    I will make sure that this issue is on the face to face agenda.  But I would appreciate some discussion on the list prior to the meeting.

    From: Clarke, Thomas [mailto:tclarke@ncsc.dni.us]
    Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:19 AM
    To: scott@justiceintegration.com;
    Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Case Initiation Elements

    I was under the same impression as Scott.  Typically, the minimum case initiation and document indexing elements are restricted to somewhere around 10 to 15 data elements.  The rest go into the appropriate IEP.  At least that is the strategy assumed by Global and the GJXDM folks.