OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] FW: Courtfiling DTD elements

  • 1.  Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] FW: Courtfiling DTD elements

    Posted 12-06-2002 12:51
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    Subject: Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] FW: Courtfiling DTD elements

    Thanks Ron.  I've been meaning to build a list of items to add too.
    Allen Jensen
    Orange County Superior Court
    Internet Development / EFiling
    >>> John Greacen <john@greacen.net> 12/06/02 09:43AM >>>
    Ron - I am forwarding your email to the full Technical Committee.  I
    also copying Marty Halvorson; he may have some suggestions.  Court
    Filing 1.1 anticipates the needs of users to extend the specification
    and sets forth mechanism to you to use in doing so.  I believe that a
    number of these data elements have been defined in the latest version
    the Justice XML Data Dictionary available from the GTRI website (or
    DJ Atkinson at NTIA); that version includes the elements added during
    the reconciliation with the American Association of Motor Vehicle
    Administrators.  I will put this on the agenda for Las Vegas.  It may
    prove to be a helpful example as we consider the proposed new
    scheme.  Thanks for the input.
    John M. Greacen
    Greacen Associates, LLC
    HCR 78, Box 23
    Regina, New Mexico 87046
    505-780-1450 (cell)