FYI. I was contacted today by another person with BAE systems. They are considering embedding XML in bankruptcy notice PDFs using ECF 4.0. They may be interested in some technology assistance. I will keep the TC updated as I hear more.
Jim Cabral
MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C.
(206) 442-5010 Phone
(502) 509-4532 Mobile
Helping our clients make a difference in the lives of the people they serve.
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From: Darlington, Diana (US SSA) []
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 4:25 PM
To: James E Cabral
Subject: RE: OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing
Mr. Cabral,
Thank you so much for this information. It will be very helpful as we progress with this project.
Best Regards,
Diana Darlington
Ms. Darlington,
I was asked to respond to your inquiry on behalf of the OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee (ECF TC). You can find the Electronic Court Filing 4.0 specifications at You will probably be most interested in the core specification which includes support for bankruptcy case types. You can download the entire core specification and schemas at It should be noted that bankruptcy cases are heard in federal courts and, to date, the U.S. federal courts have not yet implemented support for these specifications in their systems (CM/ECF and Pacer). However, the specifications may be useful to you as you build interfaces with filers, other courts and vendors.
Please let me know if I can be of any other assistance.
James E. Cabral Jr., Senior Manager
MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C.
1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3010
Seattle, Washington 98101-3292
(206) 442-5010 Phone
(502) 509-4532 Mobile
(206) 442-5011 Fax">
Helping our clients make a difference in the lives of the people they serve.
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Dear Mr. Bowmaster, Ms. Gibson, and Ms. McRae;
I am interested in more information concerning the OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Version 4.0 document that I understand was developed by your committee. I work for BAE Systems in the BNC (Bankruptcy Noticing Center) group. We are presently looking into using XML/XMP in the creation of our documents; therefore, we are most interested in any standards set in this area. More specifically, I would be interested in knowing where it is being used, if there are any bankruptcy extensions, any additional updates and examples.
Any additional information you can provide us would be most appreciated.
Best Regards,
Diana Darlington (