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Naming of the XML expression of XPath information

  • 1.  Naming of the XML expression of XPath information

    Posted 03-29-2005 16:13
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    Subject: Naming of the XML expression of XPath information

    (I think this is the last time that I'll copy to both mail lists to ensure 
    this notice is in the HISC archive ... let's continue by responding to this 
    only on the SBSC list, and people reading this response on the HISC archive 
    will know to go to the SBSC archive to continue the thread).
    At 2005-03-29 18:00 +0200, stephen_green@seventhproject.co.uk wrote:
    >I'm not so sure then that we should call the XML files
    >Wouldn't ...-SBS be better since they don't actually contain the xpaths?
    I'm anxious to hear other opinions on this question, because the way I see 
    it, they *do* actually contain the XPaths ... just in a granular form 
    instead of a string form ... it just happens that the text format is 
    string-like, and the HTML is string-like, and the XML is granular, and when 
    you want the strings you just run the supplied stylesheet.
    >How about we do that (or I'm willing to keep them the same name
    >- just thinking we might get FAQs) and include the amazing xslt
    >stylesheet with them and put some more about it in the index.html.
    Let's get some opinions from others ... I know you are "willing to keep 
    them the same", but I think we are justified in keeping them the same.
    But you and I are too close, I think, to make a fair judgement of what 
    people outside the committee will perceive.
    Documenting in the index file the string/granular distinction noted above 
    may be all we need to do.
    I'm tickled how we both perceive the one file differently, where you see it 
    not containing "the XPaths" and I see it as doing so.
    We need input from others ... would others please take a moment to comment?
    ................ Ken
    World-wide on-site corporate, govt. & user group XML/XSL training.
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