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Re: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata

  • 1.  Re: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata

    Posted 02-23-2006 21:52
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata

    First, let me say that the document seems much improved from previous
    versions. My congratulations to the editors and authors. However, I
    don't think the document is ready for adoption. There are simply far
    to many places where it's unclear or underspecified.
    At a very high level, I have five comments, in no particular order:
    * It's incomplete. There are many sections that simply don't describe
      the intent of the specification in adequate detail. I don't mean
      that as a criticism of the authors or the editors, it's simply a
      document that's still in a draft state.
    * Mandatory metadata in the documents, especially in specifications,
      is a great idea. In fact, I think it should be made even more
      explicit right down to how the metadata is formatted in the
      normative XHTML. But the whole scheme for artifact names seems
      overly complicated and brittle.
      If exampletc publishes V1.0 of a product specification in
      does it really matter how the individual artifacts at the end of
      that path are named? Changing the names of all the stylesheets and
      schemas and included modules, etc., every time the spec is revised
      may have a significant cost in terms of development time.
    * The draft specifies two normative formats. I remain of the opinion
      that this is an unacceptable state of affairs.
    * The TC Administrator is involved all over the place. Please provide
      a concise summary, in an appendix, for example, of all the choices
      that must be reviewed by the administrator.
    * I think the document would benefit greatly from many, many more examples.
      Especially complete examples of multiple products, with multiple versions,
      in multiple languages, that have multiple schemas, and other ancillary
    In more detail:
    Line 216 introduces the possibility that the TC Administrator might
             create aliases for some or all existing artifacts.
      Please don't[1].
    Line 230 introduces "Artifact Identifier" which is also a name for
             an Artifact.
    Line 234 introduces "Artifact Name"
    Line 237 introduces "Filename"
    Line 290 introduces "OASIS Defined Name"
      Are all four of these terms necessary? If they are, the document
      does not sufficiently distinguish between them.
    Line 263 abbreviates "requirements"; line 265 abbreviates "specification".
      Please don't. The few characters saved pale in comparison to the
      confusion caused by abbreviations, not only for non-English
      speakers, but also for those of us who have to remember,
      "'requirement' is abbreviated, but 'profile' isn't, is that right?
      Or is it the other way around?"
    Line 271 places a burden on the TC and the TC adminstrator for any
             novel artifact type.
      That really seems unneccessary. In fact, I think the administrator is
      directly involved more often than necessary throughout the document.
      Also, what does one do about artifact types that don't fit cleanly
      into a single category? Suppose I publish a document that contains a
      schema with annotations that contain the prose specification. Is
      that a spec or a schema or something else? Do I have to get the TC
      adminstrator involved to decide?
    Line 275 introduces dates of the form "YYYYMMDD".
      Can we please the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD format? And does this mean
      that I can't use "23 Feb 2006" as the date on the cover page of my
    Line 283 makes PDF and HTML the mandatory normative formats.
      This is an error. There must be exactly one normative form of the
      specification. Any other state of affairs will lead to irresolvable
      conflicts in the future. (The TC will produce it's work then disband.
      Three years later, Hugecorp and Megabiz will discover that they're
      software isn't interoperable because the HTML and PDF forms are
      It remains my opinion that OASIS should standardize on XHTML as the
      normative form for prose specifications and that it ought to provide
      precisely the markup to be used for the beginning of the document
      that includes all the metadata.
      Extensive experience publishing dozens, perhaps hundreds, of
      documents on the W3C TR page has convinced me that the metadata will
      be wrong if it cannot be checked by machine. Getting all the
      metadata right is simply the kind of boring, detail-oriented work
      that human beings are just not cut out to perform. Even diligent and
      consciencious editors will not get it right.
    Line 302 says I have to get the TC adminstrator to approve version
      You're joking, surely? If I produce DocBook v4.5 this month, I have
      to explicitly get permission to produce v4.6 in June?
    Line 317 introduces the "TC defined name"
      I don't understand this section. It begins by saying that this is a
      name for "the" artifact, then goes on to give an example that
      contains more than one artifact. It speaks of "effectively defining
      a container" without explaining what that means. I applaude the example,
      but I think it would be valuable to include a more complete example.
    Line 332 reads "In the absence of an OASISdefinedName for certain
             artifacts only a TCdefinedName is used"
      What does that mean? Under what circumstances is the OASISdefinedName
      absent? For which "certain" artifacts is only a TCdefinedName used?
    Line 346 reads "Selected metadata SHALL be included in the name of the
             artifact pursuant to the related separate documents"
      What does that mean? What related persuant documents?
    Line 348 says that if I invent new metadata, I need the TC administrators
      Who decides if I've invented metadata? If I include some other name
      value pairs in my document, are they metadata? How can you tell?
      This seems unduly burdonsome and impossible to enforce.
    Line 350 introduces a table that contains both "Artifact identifier"
             and "OASIS Defined Name".
      When are these different? And why? I thought they'd be the same in
      the normal case. If they're the same, must they both be present?
    Line 352 says that the templates will be updated.
      When? Are they ready now? I request that the review of this document
      not be considered complete until such time as the membership has had
      a chance to review those templates.
    Lines 374 and 375 indicate "revision|r00|" and "revision|r00|diff|00|"
      Is the "r" a literal part of the revision? If not, I think it's
      confusing in the example. If it is, shouldn't it also be in the
      number after "diff"?
    Line 408 defines the characters allowed in Artifact Identifiers.
      Is the absence of "%" intentional? It would seem to preclude the
      ability to encode non-ASCII characters in the name.
    Line 408 reads in part "The Artifact Identifier SHALL be exclusively
             in the [ECMA-6] character set..."
    Line 415 reads in part "The Artifact Identifier may be expressed in
             other encodings..."
      I find this baffling. I wouldn't even know how to begin to send you
      a name encoded in a 7 bit character set. I think you simply mean
      that it must consist only of the specified characters. But in that
      case, how does it's encoding matter and where does UTF-16 come into
      play? I think you'd be better off just describing the allowed
      characters in terms of Unicode code points and leave the whole issue
      of encodings off the table.
    Line 362 introduces "tcShortName" as if it was a placeholder, a variable
             if you will.
    Line 433 then uses "tcShortName" as if it were a defined term. But the term
             defined (on line 334, I believe) was "TC Short Name".
      The mapping from defined terms to the short string versions needs to
      be defined for all the terms. This comes up again on 496 where
      "tcShortName" is used as a token in the name attribute on <meta>.
    Line 433 suggests that the tcShortName is optional because it can be
             uniquely determined from the product.
      This is news to me. Where, in this specification or elsewhere, is it
      made mandatory for all product names to be unique across all TCs?
      That seems really unnecessary.
    Lines 438 and 439 say that the "stage" is optional for schema and wsdl
          artifact types
      Why? Where is the rational for this. What makes them different from
      catalogs or guidelines or any other type of artifact? If I invent a
      new artifact type, do I get to say if the stage is optional? If not,
      who does? The TC administrator, I assume, but it isn't stated.
      I think it's wrong to make the stage optional for some types and not
    Line 443 introduces a similar relaxation of the rules for revision when
         the artificat type is schema.
      Why? Where is the rational for this. What makes schemas different from
      catalogs or guidelines or any other type of artifact? If I invent a
      new artifact type, do I get to say if the revision is optional? If not,
      who does? The TC administrator, I assume, but it isn't stated.
      I think it's wrong to make the revision optional for some types and
      not others.
    Line 448 says "A value for TCdefinedName MUST be included if the
         OASISdefinedName is not used"
      What does this mean? Included where? There's no slot for "TCdefinedName"
      on line 429.
    Line 451 introduces section 6 "Filenames"
      I have no idea how Filenames differ from Artifact Identifiers
      (section 5). Are artifact identifiers not always filenames? I'm
      completely confused by this distinction.
    Line 482 says filenames MUST bear a reasonable and descriptive
         relationship to the document title
      Reasonable and descriptive to whom? And what is the document title
      for a schema or stylesheet? At the very least, I think this should
      be a SHOULD as I don't see how it can be enforced.
    Line 509 introduces structured comments.
      Yuck! Can we please not? Can we just say that it should be included
      in some practical way?
    Line 646 reads "docs.oasis-open.org/[product]
      Surely "docs.oasis-open.org/[tcShortName]/[product]" was intended?
      Ditto lines 653 and 669.
    Line 655 reads in part "open.org/[tcShortName]/index.php"
      Surely "open.org/[tcShortName]/[product]/index.php" was intended?
    Line 675 introduces the Latest Version Subtree.
      How does this work, exactly? Suppose exampletc publishes
      Is docs.oasis-open.org/exampletc/product/latest a directory that
      just contains an index file that points to
      or is
      supposed to return the v1.0 specification? If the later, what happens
      when 1.1 comes out? Or do I simply misunderstand.
                                            Be seeing you,
    [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#avoid-uri-aliases
    Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM / XML Standards Architect / Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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