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Subject: Re: [oasis-member-discuss] RE: RDDL use in ASIS
WS-RX used the 2.0 form.Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
phone: +1 508 377 9295William Cox <> wrote on 03/02/2006
10:36:16 PM:
> Hal -
> There's also one at a hidden URL at identified
> as RDDL 2.0 dated January 18, 2004, with a previous version linked
> and dated February 18, 2002 at (rather than to the
> one of the same date at!).
> I haven't tried to compare the versions at this point.
> Chris Ferris did an update to accommodate OASIS metadata; several
> TCs are using that version. Don't know whether he started from 1.x
or 2.0.
> bill
> Hal Lockhart wrote:> | What do others think? As I said, there was
a lot of pushback on
> > RDDL.
> > I don't recall reading the pushback on RDDL,
but "and preference to
> have an index.html or one of the other default HTML pages" isn't
> related. RDDL is a mechanism for placing metadata in HTML.
> >
> Ok, for the record, last summer Bill and I tried to figure out the
> standards pedigree of RDDL so we could cite it.
> No sign of it at W3C, not even published as a Note.
> At, there is a spec dated Feb 18, 2002, no version
> specified. I guess this is version 1.
> At there
is a
> spec dated Jan 18, 2004 marked as version 2.0. It describes itself
as "a
> draft".
> At there is a document dated
> June 1, 2003, with no version. Not sure what version this is. Perhaps
> Tim's private version? If it is RDDL 3, it is older than RDDL 2.0.
> All of these contain the sentence "This document has no official
> standing and has not been considered nor approved by any organization."
> There are also a number of articles, implementations and even a
> Wikipedia article (which points to the 2002 version). The 2004 version
> says "While this document has no official standing, it is the
> of the TAG to seek guidance from the W3C membership and the larger
> community on the question of whether and how to progress this document
> and the use of RDDL." As far as I can see there has been no work
done on
> RDDL in 2 years.
> Will the real RDDL please stand up? If this is as great stuff as you
> say it is, can't somebody put in enough time to push it thru an OASIS
> or publish it as a TAG Finding? If I put a normative reference to
> something with a pedigree like this in an OASIS Committee Spec and
> submitted it for member approval, I would end up with a bunch of arrows
> sticking out of me.
> Hal
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