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  • 1.  RE: RDDL use in ASIS

    Posted 03-02-2006 22:12
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    Subject: RE: RDDL use in ASIS

    > | What do others think? As I said, there was a lot of pushback on
    > I don't recall reading the pushback on RDDL, but "and preference to
    > have an index.html or one of the other default HTML pages" isn't
    > related. RDDL is a mechanism for placing metadata in HTML.
    Ok, for the record, last summer Bill and I tried to figure out the
    standards pedigree of RDDL so we could cite it.
    No sign of it at W3C, not even published as a Note.
    At www.rddl.org, there is a spec dated Feb 18, 2002, no version
    specified. I guess this is version 1.
    At http://www.openhealth.org/RDDL/20040118/rddl-20040118.html there is a
    spec dated Jan 18, 2004 marked as version 2.0. It describes itself as "a
    At http://www.tbray.org/tag/rddl/rddl3.html there is a document dated
    June 1, 2003, with no version. Not sure what version this is. Perhaps
    Tim's private version? If it is RDDL 3, it is older than RDDL 2.0.
    All of these contain the sentence "This document has no official
    standing and has not been considered nor approved by any organization." 
    There are also a number of articles, implementations and even a
    Wikipedia article (which points to the 2002 version). The 2004 version
    says "While this document has no official standing, it is the intention
    of the TAG to seek guidance from the W3C membership and the larger
    community on the question of whether and how to progress this document
    and the use of RDDL." As far as I can see there has been no work done on
    RDDL in 2 years.
    Will the real RDDL please stand up? If this is as great stuff as you all
    say it is, can't somebody put in enough time to push it thru an OASIS TC
    or publish it as a TAG Finding? If I put a normative reference to
    something with a pedigree like this in an OASIS Committee Spec and
    submitted it for member approval, I would end up with a bunch of arrows
    sticking out of me.
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