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Re: Possible change to TC voting rules - input requested

  • 1.  Re: Possible change to TC voting rules - input requested

    Posted 10-29-2006 19:41
    regarding the following proposal, France Telecom is in favour of option c.
     > The OASIS Board Process Sub-Committee would like your input
     > on a possible rule change regarding TC voting.
     > Currently any person who is a TC member can be a voting member. Since
     > eligibility is determined on an individual basis, not an
     > organizational basis, an organization can have an unlimited number of
     > voters (up to the number of members it has on that TC).  Some
     > concerns have been raised about this being fair, being a drain on
     > resources of those organizations, and making it harder to manage
     > quorum. Other concerns have been raised that reducing voting power on
     > TCs could reduce participation.
     > The options we are evaluating include:
     > (a) Leaving the rules as currently written;
     > (b) Capping the total number of votes that may be cast by TC members
     >      from a single organization to 1, 2 or 3;
     > (c) Capping the total number of votes that may be cast by TC members
     >      from a single organization based on membership class (e.g.,
     > sponsors
     >      might get 3 versus contributors having 2).
     > The voting rights of individual and associate members in TCs would
     > not be changed by these proposals.
    Olivier DUBUISSON (primary representative)
    France Telecom
    Pilotage de la normalisation/Deputy Director Standards Steering
    NSM/RD/DDEV/NOR - BP 50702 - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
    tel: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - fax: +33 2 96 05 10 08
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