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Subject: Comment on ASIS Document regarding Hyphens
Forgive if this is somewhat late.
The ebBP TC discussed the new guidelines and we're concerned about the
current constraints possible around the use of hyphens. Our discussion
indicated this should likely be left to the discretion of individual
TCs. In ebBP we have a conundrum. We have 'hyphen' tcShortName, such as
the TC page: and
We also have worked to adhere to the artifact naming guidelines
previously published. ebBP has had to shorten file names because of
other constraints (like file path limits and naming). It has been a
challenge to balance these guidelines and those other constraints. For
example, we've shortened one package to: It was originally longer
(Document shortened to Documentation and use of ebxml-bp).
Changes to meet a banned hyphen would entail significant rework in many
places. We encourage you to leave this to TC discretion. Thanks.
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