UBL Transportation SC

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Minutes of the meeting the UBL TransportSubcommittee Wednesday the 30th of January 15.00-16.00 CET

  • 1.  Minutes of the meeting the UBL TransportSubcommittee Wednesday the 30th of January 15.00-16.00 CET

    Posted 02-05-2019 13:19
    Dear all. Please find the minutes typed in red.     Minutes of m eeting in the UBL TransportSubcommittee  Wednesday the 30 th of January 15.00-16.00 CET Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/775535461  Meeting ID: 775-535-461 You can also dial in using your phone.  Denmark: +45 32 72 03 82  Access Code: 775-535-461  First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:  https://link.gotomeeting.com/system-check     Agenda:   Rollcall Present were: Yves, Ken and Peter Approval of the minutes from the last meeting Minutes were approved Start up on model for Export Declaration Single Application The group went through the Model from EU Commission. It was agreed to add three new documents: ExportCustomsDeclaration TransitCustomsDeclaration ImportCustomsDeclaration Resolutions of the issue list. Peter has added a new item regarding DocumentDistribution. It was agreed to add DistributionType and Communication to DocumentDistribution Any other business Next meeting the 6 th of february     Best wishes, Peter L. Borresen Head of IT Development     Mobile: +45 42 50 23 90 E-mail:  plb@clearviewtrade.com Skype ID: peter.borresen   ClearView Trade, Diplomvej 372, 2800, Denmark http://www.clearviewtrade.com/   Follow us