UBL Transportation SC

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Minutes from the TSC meeting the 6th of April 15.00-16.00

  • 1.  Minutes from the TSC meeting the 6th of April 15.00-16.00

    Posted 06-15-2022 08:33

    Present were Peter Borresen, Victoria Kuzina and Kenneth Bengtsson

    Review of mapping from UBL Order to WCO Customs declaration and the Danish Export Declaration . Clearview Trade has made a mapping,
    so information can be found in the UBL Order.
    Victoria Kuzina from Clearview Trade went though the finding and the extensions we needed to be added in order to be able to get the sufficient information to produce an export declarations and a import declaration.
    Kenneth Bengtsson mentioned that another approach than providing all the information in the order could be to submit additional documents together with the order. However there has been recognized problems and missing elements in the current design. For instance:

    Procedure code in goods item should be a ABIE and not just a BBIE like it is today Customs declarations is lacking a lot of information to be useful
    It was agreed that Peter and Victoria will create tickets for this, and it be dealt with in future UBL TSC meetings

    A ny other businesses
    Best wishes,
    Peter L. Borresen
    Head of Technology

    Mobile: +45 42 50 23 90
    E-mail:  plb@clearviewtrade.com
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    ClearView Trade, Diplomvej 371, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark 
