OASIS Code List Representation TC

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  • 1.  genericode 0.4

    Posted 08-28-2006 13:10
    'genericode' is the XML code list format that Miley Watts LLP is donating  
    to the TC for use as a starting point for the TC.
    Attached are a number of files for genericode 0.4.  The attached archive  
    (rename the ".zzz" extension to ".zip") contains:
    c24io/genericode.iop - project file for C24 IO (you need a copy of the  
    free C24 IO Open Edition [Java] - see http://www.c24.biz/technology.htm)
    c24io/model/CodeList.dod - C24 IO model of genericode Schema
    docs/schemadocs/CodeList.xsd.html - genericode 0.4 Schema documentation
    xsd/CodeList.xsd - genericode 0.4 Schema
    I still have to update the UML model and documentation for genericode to  
    provide to the TC, and collate the genericode requirements to provide to  
    the TC.  My XML 2004 paper is still a very good guide to what is in  
    Cheers, Tony.
    Anthony B. Coates
    Senior Partner
    Miley Watts LLP
    Experts In Data
    +44 (79) 0543 9026
    Data standards participant: ISO 20022 (ISO 15022 XML), ISO 19312,  

  • 2.  Re: [codelist] genericode 0.4

    Posted 08-28-2006 14:21
    And here's the attachment ...
    On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:10:25 +0100, Anthony B. Coates (Miley Watts)