OASIS Code List Representation TC

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Genericode produced from NIEM Schemas

  • 1.  Genericode produced from NIEM Schemas

    Posted 11-21-2009 15:32
    If any one is interested, someone asked me to convert the NIEM 2.1 (US
    gov) XML Schema enumerations into genericode, so I have done a "quick and
    dirty" automated conversion.  If anyone wants a copy (1.5M zipped), let me
    know and I will make the files available.
    Cheers, Tony.
    Anthony B. Coates
    Associate Director
    Document Engineering Services (Limited)
    UK: +44 (20) 8816 7700, US: +1 (239) 344 7700
    Mobile/Cell: +44 (79) 0543 9026
    Skype: abcoates